Adjusting Boat Control

Category: Articles

 Jun 29th, 2011 by zboudreau

Modified Jun 29th, 2011 at 12:00 am


Efficiency is a very key element in muskie fishing. The lower the density of a fish species, the more you need to optimize your time on the water. Adjusting boat position on structures as patterns emerge can really save time, increasing water coverage of the effective zone and ultimately resulting in more strikes.
Unless and until a locational pattern on structures is found, the best approach generally involves boat position on edges (a little to the deep side of), while all sides and parallel presentations are tried. (In some situations in clearer water, these patterns may be made visually, by simply spotting the fish.) However, if fish are found to be right on edges, or on the deepest part of the edge – backing out just a little makes sense. Casts don’t need to be as long and parallel casts can still be made. If fish are on a shallow flat in a strip of weeds, or, let’s say you find active fish sitting right on shore, tighten the boat position to those zones and shorten the casts. It takes less time to cover the effective zone. The wonderful thing about paying attention to every detail of patterning, is that it really saves time when the real money is on the line during a period of high activity. During such periods, most anglers on the water will catch fish; those who pay attention to all details and tighten boat control to the fish zone – just catch a few more.